Sunday, January 8, 2012

31. do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal...

"Beloved, do not be surprised
at the fiery ordeal among you,
which comes upon you for your testing,
as though some strange thing were happening to you"

when adversities come into your life
what does it make you feel?
"God doesn't love me". "He is punishing me"
"I am terrible". "Take my own life, yes, I will"

Stop believing the lies
that the Evil One tells you about adversity
it is a very private, very dark
and a very scary place to be.

Adversity is the hammer
that shapes the new us
God draws closer and nearer
to those whose spirits are crushed

In those windows of time
that you literally reached the end of yourself
cry out to Him, don't hold it back
admit that you need Him, that you need His help

Adversity is normal
it happened to Jesus, to Paul, to all Christians
where sin abounded, grace abounded much more
according to the Book of Romans

Adversity is expected,
we are told not to be surprised
the fiery ordeals are for our testing
and in each of them. the Lord hears our cries.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
Through adversity, your life, God transforms
it is an uninvited friend in the hands of an all-knowing God
in the midst of my pain God will wean me from my pride.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post, friend. Everyone of us needs this reminder. This is also where I realize that the saying "when the going gets tough the tough gets going" doesn't apply. Rather, when our situation gets tough, we should not harden our hearts. We should be malleable like clay and just allow "The Potter" to mold us according to His liking.

    If we allow our pride to get in the way, we'll stray, like some people I know. For a while. I was also like that. I'm glad God showed me how to respond to adversities.

    Like I said, I'm proud of you. You do not let adversities stop you from writing these beautiful verses. God bless, sister.
